Mental health remains in the shadows of healthcare discussions, even a decade after Tipper Gore attempted to give it a national spotlight. Yet, a mental disability can be be just as incapacitating as a physical or developmental disability. Note the array of legal issues that relate to mental illness--possible criminal defense, grounds for involuntary civil commitment, and a basis for special medical and estate planning, to name a few.
Yet, our minds are even more mysterious than our physical bodies when it comes to diagnosing and treating ailments. Sometimes, we aren't even sure what "normal" is. This article discusses the fine line between clinical depression and sadness.
Here is a beautiful story of an amazing psychotherapist who has seen nearly everything--literally. She's 99-years-old, still sees patients, and attributes her longevity, in part, to her belief that "you need to be invested; you have to care about what happens."
(Photo by cheeky needle, used by permisson.)
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